RSE Curriculum

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and Health Education

At Airedale Junior School, we believe in providing a broad and balanced curriculum for our all our pupils.  As a part of your child’s education, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a carefully planned and taught programme of Personal, Social, Health and Social Skills (PHSE) education, a bespoke social skills curriculum, and a comprehensive RSE scheme. Thus ensuring our children and young people are equipped with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.

We use SCARF ( a PSHE curriculum: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) to complement our tailored and comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE and Wellbeing education.  It covers all of the DfE’s new statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, including non-statutory Sex Education, and the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study’s recommended learning opportunities, as well as contributing to different subject areas in the National Curriculum.

We follow the six suggested half termly units and adapt the scheme of work where necessary to meet the local circumstances of our school and individual needs of all of our learners. For example, we have tailored a unit of the scheme (Being my Best) to be completed in Summer Term linking to our transition days. The school council, Eco Council and Digi Leaders are also consulted as part of our planning, to ensure pupil voice is considered and fed into the planned programme.

We follow the six suggested half termly units and adapt the scheme of work where necessary to meet the local circumstances of our school and individual needs of all of our learners. For example, we have tailored a unit of the scheme (Being my Best) to be completed in Summer Term linking to our transition days. The school council, Eco Council and Digi Leaders are also consulted as part of our planning, to ensure pupil voice is considered and fed into the planned programme.

Our PSHE subject lead (Miss Young) works in conjunction with teaching staff in each year group and the phase leads (LKS2 and UKS2) and is responsible for ensuring that all staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and resources to deliver PSHE education confidently. Teachers can access a range of teaching support resources within SCARF, including guidance documents and teacher training films. Any teacher wanting further support should contact the PSHE subject lead in the first instance to discuss their training needs.

Class teachers follow the suggested six half-termly units provided by SCARF for each year and tailored this to the needs of our pupils. Lessons can be a weekly standalone PSHE lesson or be cross-curricular. The lesson plans list the specific learning objectives for each lesson and provide support for how to teach the lessons; class teachers and our PSHE lead often discuss this on an informal basis.

We have chosen SCARF as our PSHE resource because the lessons build upon children’s prior learning; we have assessed the content and feel that it is relevant and sensitive to the needs of our children. There is planned progression across the SCARF scheme of work, so that children are increasingly and appropriately challenged as they move up through the school.

Assessment is completed by the class teacher using the SCARF Summative Assessment ‘I can…’ statements, alongside the lesson plan learning outcomes to demonstrate progression of both skills and knowledge.

Hey there, couldn’t help noticing you’re using Internet Explorer

That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.