Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (disadvantaged pupils)

Schools receive additional funding for any pupils who have been eligible for free school meals during the last six years; pupils who are looked after by the local authority or who are in care and for pupils from families where a parent serves in the armed forces. This money is known as the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG).

In the 2024-2025 financial year, schools will receive £1,480 for each pupil in Y3 to Y6 who has registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years. Please see below for the actual in year allocation for 2024-25

For the financial year 2024-2025  we expect to receive £219,040

For the financial year 2023-2024 we received £232,800

Looked After Children and the children of armed personnel are also eligible for funding.  For looked After Children the allocation is £2,570 per pupil  (of which £1000 is retained by Virtual School Head in Wakefield, as agreed by the School Forum). The allocation for children of armed personnel is £340 per pupil.

Hey there, couldn’t help noticing you’re using Internet Explorer

That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.