Special Education Needs and Disabilities

Subject Leader:  Miss Lovelock and Mr McLoughlin

If you have any questions or want to chat with someone about how Airedale Junior School supports students with SEN please contact our SENCo, Mr McLoughlin here;

Phone: 01977 556946


Supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is part of our whole school ethos and an integral part of the teaching and learning at Airedale Junior School.

SEND at Airedale Junior School aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Have the skills, confidence and relevant experiences to succeed at their chosen level
  • Are given high quality support within the curriculum
  • Are inspired to rise to challenges and participate in all lessons
  • Have inclusive, engaging, innovative and inspirational lessons
  • Have challenging and appropriate provision and that support mechanisms are in place to allow all to reach their full potential
  • Have a broad base of learning so that they can develop interest and understanding in many different areas.
  • Are identified with SEND as early as possible and ensure that their needs are met appropriately.
  • Have their needs met by providing a strong partnership and close liaison between pupils, parents, teachers, head teacher and other professionals (when appropriate).
  • Are fully involved in their learning.
  • Have equal access to a broad, balanced and modified curriculum and included in all activities within the school and take a full and active part in school life.
  • Have an environment that meets the SEND of each pupil.
  • Make the best possible progress and realise their full potential.
  • Develop confidence and self-esteem and to recognise the value of their own contributions to their learning.

SEND links closely to our school drivers ‘VOICE’. Our TRUST values of Ambition, Bravery and Respect underpin our school ethos. Our children are taught to celebrate their individuality and to strive to be the best they can possibly be both academically and personally.  We support them to be equipped to embrace the challenges of life.  By working with Learning Mentors and other outside support agencies, we actively support the development of mental health and of greater self-esteem, self-control, and the ability to rise to a challenge through developing resilience. We have a strong partnership with our Wakefield Inclusion Special Educational Needs Support Service; Educational Psychology Services; schools within our Trust and other local schools.

Oracy and communication are fundamental skills that we believe equip our children to be life-long learners. By working with Speech and Language Therapists, and also interventions in school such as Wellcomm, we support our children to speak with confidence, articulation and fluency in a range of contexts.  We believe that giving our pupils a voice is vital and we therefore work hard to broaden and enrich their vocabulary encouraging talking in all areas of learning using Read Write Inc programme and Communicate in Print.  Through focused interventions, we support children to develop their writing skills and embed these skills within the wider curriculum.

Being independent and fostering a love for learning is crucial in our school. In all areas of the curriculum, our children are encouraged to build good relationships with their peers, work independently and collaboratively, supporting one another. Children are taught the skills of resilience and perseverance, which prepare them for the challenges that they are given in school, as well as the wider world.  Children’s successes both in school and out of school are celebrated and they develop a sense of pride in their achievements. Our whole curriculum celebrates the success of all pupils, regardless of their ability showing children that these are not barriers to success and aspiration.

Look at some of the things we use to support us…

How do we know that our children are making progress?

Ongoing assessments of the children’s knowledge and skills are observed by the class teachers, teaching assistants, SENCo and outside agencies. Children’s outcomes are compared to the subject specific skills documents outlined on curriculum trackers. This is collated through three data collection points and next steps identified by the subject leader.   If your child is aged 7 years and above, but is not yet working at National Curriculum levels, a more sensitive assessment tool is used which shows their level in more detail and will also show smaller but significant steps of progress. This tool is called Wakefield Progression Steps.  Wakefield Progressions Steps are used to track progress and attainment.  All children at Airedale Junior School identified as having a special educational need or disability will have a Support Plan and Profile Page. This will be reviewed with your involvement every term and a plan for the next term made. The progress of children with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child’s education.  The SENCo will also check that your child is making good progress within any individual work and in any group that they take part in.

If information is required in an alternative format, please request via the office.

Hey there, couldn’t help noticing you’re using Internet Explorer

That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.