Local Governing Body

The Chair of Governors is Sharon Butterfield. To contact Mrs Butterfield telephone 01977 556946 or in writing to the school.


Airedale Junior Academy is part of Castleford Academy Trust, a multi-academy trust. For more information about Castleford Academy Trust, and details of the roles and responsibilities of the different levels of governance, click here or use the menu bar link to visit our website.

Overall responsibility for the performance of the school lies with the Trustees. However, together with the Headteacher, the Governors of Airedale Junior Academy are responsible at a local level for making sure our school provides a good quality of academic and social education for all children, for scrutinising the work of the school and checking it complies with Trust policies and procedures. They are involved in lots of the strategic decisions about how the school should continue to develop and improve, what our main priorities are and how we can best use our resources to achieve these. Decisions are the responsibility of the whole Governing Body, not any individual, and are made in the best interests of the whole school.

Governors are all volunteers. They do not need any formal qualifications, but may have skills or expertise from their own experiences and bring a different viewpoint and fresh ideas to the role. They receive training and support to help them undertake this role. They should be committed to wanting the best for the school and its pupils, be interested in the work of the school and be prepared to give time to the role.

The Governing Body meets five times per year, aligned with meetings of the Trust Board and its other sub-committees, to review what has been happening in school, act as a critical friend to the Head Teacher by questioning and scrutinising the work of the leadership team, to advise where appropriate, and to make decisions as set out in the scheme of delegation. Governors also visit school so they can see the work of the school in action and understand how plans are being carried out.

The current Chair of Governors at Airedale Junior Academy is Mrs Sharon Butterfield. She can be contacted by writing to, telephoning or emailing via the main school office. Academies are required to publish information about individuals who hold office within the Trust, or have done so within the last year. This information can be accessed here: Governor Details – Airedale Junior Academy.

If you would like to find out about becoming a Governor please click here.

Hey there, couldn’t help noticing you’re using Internet Explorer

That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.