Attendance Matters!
Good attendance relates to good attainment. Every day counts!
At Airedale Junior School regular attendance is important to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for all our children. It helps our children make the most of their education, improving their chances in adult life. Regular attendance and punctuality are also important life skills which will help our children when they enter the world of work.
Our children receive certificates and prizes for full attendance half termly, termly and for the full year. Children with 100% for the year also have the opportunity of a gift voucher. Attendance for each class is monitored and displayed outside each classroom.
In addition to this we expect our children to be punctual. The school doors open at 8.40 am and children are expected to be having register at 8.45 am, ready to start their first lesson shortly afterwards. Being punctual means that lessons can start on time, enabling staff to maximise children’s learning time. Your child will be given a late mark if they arrive in class after the register has been completed.
If your child is absent from school due to a medical reason, please notify the school office by phone before 9.30 am. We will contact you if we haven’t heard by this time as part of our safeguarding procedures.
For more information about attendance at Airedale Junior School please read our Attendance policy. If your child has to be absent from school for reasons other than illness, please inform the Headteacher, Mrs McKechnie, in writing.
Our Target for 2024/25 is to achieve 96%.
The Education Welfare Officer (EWO)
The Education Welfare Officer (EWO) checks our school registers regularly and will contact parents by letter, telephone or a home visit if there is a cause for concern. The Headteacher will request the EWO to make a formal referral of pupils with persistently less than 90% attendance. Parents can ultimately be prosecuted for non-attendance offences.