School Dinners are supplied by our own kitchen which meets Government Standards. KS2 children must pay for their lunches weekly using the school’s online payment system. The cost of a school lunch is £2.70 per day. If you think you may be eligible for a grant toward school meals please see the School Administration Office who has forms and who will advise you in the strictest confidence
We operate a coloured wristband system for lunch choices to make sure that children have the meal they order. Children can choose a main meal, vegetarian option or a jacket potato. Salads and home-made bread are provided each day and a selection of hot and cold desserts are also available. Meals are cooked on site in our kitchen, providing nutritional, healthy meals fresh each day. These are served to the children from 11.45am by our experienced team of canteen staff. If for any reason, (religious or medical) your child requires a special diet, please inform us in writing.
Children may bring a packed lunch from home although this should not include sweets. All containers should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Uneaten food from packed lunches may be returned to enable parents to monitor consumption. Water is available for all children on the tables at lunchtime.