Who Are Our Eco Council?
Our Eco council are 16 children (1 child from each class in school) who meet every 2 weeks to help make our school more eco friendly. Our newly elected Eco Council started in September 2021. We have are looking forward to our new roles. Take a look at what we have been up to below!
Environmental School Review
Eco-Schools Environmental Review
Our School Eco Action Plan
After the children completed the school Environmental Review, the Eco Council met to create our School Eco Action Plan.
We all had fantastic ideas to help make our school more eco friendly.
Over the coming months and years our Eco Council will work together to achieve all the items listed on our Eco Action Plan.
Walk to School
In September this year we took part in Walk to School week with the Charity Living streets. We encouraged our peers to walk to school or park and stride. Our eco councillors were in charge of recording a daily tally of children who did walk to school and feeding back to our council.
After the huge succes of WOW week, we are trialing a new online tacking system that we hope to roll out across the school by the end of summer.
Morrison’s Good To Grow: A Big Thank you!
Thank you to everyone that collected tokens for us whilst shopping at morrisons. We have been able to cash them in for enough seeds to transform the unloved circle into a wildflower meadow.
We have spoken to Mr Hollies who will help up transform the space.
Over this half term, we will create signs to remind people to stay off the ground so the seeds can grow, prep the soil and help Mr hollies finish the other planters in the playground.
Recycling Bins Initiative
Every classroom in school has been provided with a recycle bin. Everyone is encouraged to recycle waste paper and card into this bins.
They are emptied each week and the waste paper is then collected by RENWI to be recycled.
Our Eco Council were shocked with the amount of paper used each week in school and are working together to help reduce this amount.
Recyling Poster Competition.
We have run a poster compeition to help us spread the word about the importance of recycing.
Our fabulous winner was Emelia Shaw, Well done!
Begining Our Wildflower Journey
With the help of Mr Hollies and Mr Nicholson, we have begun the work to on developing our wildflowerr meadow.
We used spades forks to turn the ground over then raked the dead leaves and branches over to the hedgerow to create a nice environment for inects.
See the pictures below!