Year 3

In Year 3 we will be learning …

This year we will be studying 6 different topics.

An overview/breakdown of these can be found here, Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2023-2024.

This term we will be studying…

Strike Whilst The Iron Is Hot!

This unit of work is all about The Iron Age!

Key Dates

PE Sessions:

  • 3 Dragon –  Wednesday
  • 3 Phoenix – Wednesday
  • 3 Unicorn – Tuesday
  • 3 Griffin – Tuesday
  • 19.2.24 – School returns for Spring Term 2.
  • 22.3.24 – Y3&4 Easter Service at Holy Cross Church.
  • 22.3.24 – School breaks up for Easter holidays.

Visits, Visitors & Events

This term we will be completing a local traffic survey in Airedale linked to our Geography work!

Homework Information

Reading at Home

Children will be expected to complete reading at home to an adult. The expected amount is at least 3 reads of 15 minutes per week it is vital that your child completes this as it supports the learning that takes place in the classroom

All reading at home should be recorded in the reading log book so that children can earn rewards for their efforts.

Topic Homework

Each half term children will be given a ‘topic web’ (see below). This ‘web’ calls for a variety of skills to be used from across the curriculum.

All of the suggested ideas link to our current topic and should be tackled over the course of the half term. (Hand each piece in as it is completed).

This homework is designed to enable families to tackle homework at their own pace helping pupils maintain a broad and balanced homework currciulm whilst supporting their mental health and wellbeing.

Copy of Homework Web for Iron Age Project.

Further Homework Support

Purple Mash is a fantastic resource that allows your child to word process, create images, create code and much much more. Every child has a login for Purple Mash and this can be used both at school and at home. Please click on the image above to link to this site.

Please ask your child’s teacher if you require a new username and password.

Purple Mash Login

Additional times table challenges can be created from the website below.

More online games to support learning:

Hey there, couldn’t help noticing you’re using Internet Explorer

That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.