Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (disadvantaged pupils)

Schools receive additional funding for any pupils who have been eligible for free school meals during the last six years; pupils who are looked after by the local authority or who are in care and for pupils from families where a parent serves in the armed forces. This money is known as the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG).



In the 2023-2024 financial year, schools will receive £1,455 for each pupil in Y3 to Y6 who has registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years. Please see below for the actual in year allocation for 2023-24

For the financial year 2023-2024  we expect to receive £235,710

 For the financial year 2022-2023 we received £220,215

Looked After Children and the children of armed personnel are also eligible for funding.  For looked After Children the allocation is £2,530 per pupil  (of which £1000 is retained by Virtual School Head in Wakefield, as agreed by the School Forum). The allocation for children of armed personnel is £335 per pupil.

Date of next spending plan review - July 2023

PP Spending 22-23 Plan - Reviewed

PP Spending Plan 23-24